sitemap ================= domonic can help create a sitemap or sitemapindex for your website. A sitemap contains a list of urls for your website. Whereas a sitemap index contains a list of sitemaps. You can see below How to make sitemaps with python and domonic. creating a sitemapindex -------------------------------- A sitemap index contains a list of sitemaps. A minimal one might look something like this: .. code-block :: xml '' 2004-10-01T18:23:17+00:00 With domonic we can create one in a number ways depending on our needs. .. code-block :: python from domonic.xml.sitemap import sitemapindex, sitemap, url, loc, lastmod, changefreq, priority doc = sitemapindex( sitemap( loc( lastmod('2021-07-08T13:12:16+00:00') # pass a date as string. if no data is passed the current date is used ) ) render(f"{doc}", 'sitemap.xml') Create a sitemap -------------------------------- A sitemap contains a list of urls for your website and is limited to 50,000 urls. A minimal one might look something like this: .. code-block :: xml '' 2004-10-01T18:23:17+00:00 monthly 0.8 With domonic we can create one in a number ways depending on our needs. .. code-block :: python from domonic.xml.sitemap import sitemapindex, sitemap, url, loc, lastmod, changefreq, priority doc = urlset( url( loc('') lastmod('2021-07-08T13:12:16+00:00') # pass a date as string. if no data is passed the current date is used changefreq('weekly') priority(0.5) ) ) # use f-string to call format on the doc to prettify render(f"{doc}", 'sitemap1.xml') utils ---------------- domonic also has some utils for quickly creating sitemaps with default values. .. code-block :: python mypages = [] sm = sitemap_from_urls(mypages) print(sm) but you will likely want a little more control. So use any dom manipulating methods you like. Here's some more examples. ## creating a sitemap from scratch .. code-block :: python sm = urlset() sm += url(loc(''), lastmod('2020-07-08T13:12:16+00:00')) print(sm) formatting ---------------- You can format with following normal python methods which are regonised by domonic: .. code-block :: python print(f"{sm}") # f string will call __format__ and run through a prettify print(f"{sm!s}") # str will not be prettified print(f"{sm!r}") # r show the ojbect as a repr # print(f"{sm!a}") more ---------------- For more infor on sitemaps see... .. automodule:: domonic.xml.sitemap :members: :noindex: